A personalização á distância de um clique! Com a NorSafe Customize, podes dar vida às tuas ideias em minutos. Damos-te […]
Bombeiro é uma das profissões mais complexas no que respeita aos riscos inerentes e á probabilidade de ocorrerem acidentes. Existe […]
O vestuário impermeável é imprescindível para se proteger da chuva. Na nossa loja online www.norsafe.pt, possuímos várias opções de roupa […]
Work trousers are an essential part of workwear. They are designed to provide comfort and [...]
Protective gloves are part of personal protective equipment (PPE) and their purpose is to protect the hands of [...]
A uniform is a type of clothing used in the workplace, and was first implemented in jobs that involved manual labour. [...]
ESD safety is of considerable importance to many industries that handle sensitive electronic equipment. From [...]
It is necessary to understand the cost/benefit ratio of PPE in order to ensure safety in the workplace [...]
Welding PPE: what you need to work safely Welding is one of the most common activities in [...]
Soca Professional virds 100% eva www.norsafe.pt/produto/soca-profissional-virds-100-eva/ Wearing the best hospital footwear is essential for healthcare professionals. [...]
Do you work in the construction industry on a daily basis? Are you aware of the risks to which workers and visitors to [...]
The use of safety helmets is essential in certain activities and, in most cases, can mean the difference [...]